Tuesday, December 30, 2008
IF YOU WERE AN ANIMAL, WHAT WOULD YOU BE? check each of the statements that apply to you category 1: -- I am courageous and independent -- I am persuasive and outspoken -- I am daring and decisive -- In a group, i tend to be the self-proclaimed leader -- I hate laziness -- Sometimes i can be bossy and short-tempered -- Sometimes i can be too self-reliant -- I am a captain and a pioneer -- My motto is " Take the bull by the horns!" category 2: -- I am patient and content -- I am adaptable and balanced -- I am helpful and consistent -- In a group, i tent to just go with the flow. I'm rarely the leader -- I hate conflict -- Sometimes i can be timid and unmotivated -- Sometimes i can be too submissive -- I am a peacemaker and diplomat -- My motto is "Just chill, dude." category 3: -- I am spontaneous and optimistic -- I am imaginative and playful -- I am cheerful and spirited -- In a group, i will be the leader if i think it will be a fun experience -- I hate order and routine -- Sometimes i can be flighty and undisciplined -- Sometimes i can be a show-off -- I am an entertainer and a social butterfly -- My motto is "Let's partaaay!" category 4: -- I am self-sacrificing and loyal -- i am deep and analytical -- I am sensitive and understanding -- In a group, i tend to be the organized one - the planner -- I hate chaos -- Sometimes i am moody and critical -- Sometimes i can be too much a perfectionist -- I am a dreamer and a visionary -- My motto is "Live life on purpose." If most of your checks are in category 1, you're most like a tiger. You are confident, strong, and driven. Your feisty spirit will get you far if you put God first. Just be sure to let others into your journey, too. You need them just like they need you! If most of your checks are in category 2, you're most like a sea turtle, Your're a kick-back kind of girl who doesnt mind life in the slow lane. Your peaceful soul is refreshing to everyone in your life. Just stay in tune with God, though, and don't get lulled into laziness. If most of your checks are in category 3, you're most like a dolphin. You're all about enjoying life and having a blast. Your ability to look on the bright side of things is a beautiful gift. But sometimes fun needs to take a back seat if it interferes with loving God and people. If most of your checks are in category 4, you're most like eagle. You're a creative soul who wants to sour among the clouds and love reckless abandon. But with your amazing highs come some serious lows. Allow God to help you to stay balanced, steady, and airborne. which of it do you belongs to? 7:25 PM Friday, December 26, 2008
Hongna and i hv met alot of annoying ppl at work.. those who reprimanded us when he doesnt get de facts rite and thats idiotic.. those who said sacastically abt polluting de air when we used medicated oil.. work is seldom an enjoyment bcus we often get scolding frm ppl whom we called.. but today there ms carol made my day.. after explaining to her all those private preview, she was damn polite ok.. its like i will only get 1 such polite person out of de many hundreds ppl whom i called.. well, most singaporeans are like tt la..annoying ppl who just " KHAP" our phonecalls.. but after everything explained to ms carol, she said: thank you very much my dear, merry christmas n happy new year to you! she must be one beautiful lady la..lols tts all bout work today.. & 4E1 PPEEPPS WE ARE PLANNING FOR SAKURA ON THE 5TH OF JAN 2009! THAMHIN GET UR ADRENALINE PUMPED UP! THOSE WORKING PLS PLS PLS TRY UR BEST TO TAKE LEAVE! WHATEVER APPONTMENT WITH UR OTHER FRIENDS OR DENTIST OR DOCTOR OR GIRLFRIEND OR BOYFRIEND JUST TURN THEM DOWN!!lol tts all bye=) bye=)) 7:46 AM Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Congrats Yiling! u finally found a job..and please take it seriously..dont quit after 1 day! lol went northpoint agn to c the popular girls.. jiali was sooooo slack! yesmeen was sooooo busy! want to talk to her or help her but kena rejected..cus afraid those ppl of higher rank in popular might scold her.. den coincidently we saw thamhin n friends! so there were mini 4E1 gathering there..haha the person incharge of them was sooooo mean.. they were suppose to hv brk for lunch at de same time.. but their "principal" seperated them.. so we followed yesm fst for lunch den jiali nxt.. As most of us know, yesm's job is quite tough, there is 1 thing we can do to help her.. that is to mess up de books in the popular.. so u peeps know what to do when u are there huh..lol reason being, she will just hv to arrange the bks if they were messy, and to avoid doing jobs such as carrying n lifting heavy heavy stacks of books around! understand? haha and thank gdness jiali n yesm hv same brk time for dinner.. so i msg hn to join us for dinner! and when hongna came, she turned popular into disaster! Being a thoughtful friend she anyhw flipped through some bks and misplaced them at different corners! lol we went there kajiao kajiao them and at the same time count down to their brk time.. yea! de five of as..so damn finally hv e chance tgt for meal..haha.. n my dear friends, i will visit u peeps more often for lunch and dinner!! including yiling! aiya or u can choose to eat wid warren can liao..lol jk To hongna jiali yesmeen yiling yingshan penny and tingmin.. we wont be able to go sentosa till 21 jan 2009! why? see this Volleyball Courts **Please note that volleyball courts along Siloso Beach will be temporarily removed from 1 Dec 2008 to 20 Jan 2009 to facilitate the set up for ZoukOut and Siloso Beach Party. The courts will be available from 21 Jan 2009. We apologise for any inconvenience caused. SAD SAD SAD!!!! ARUGHHHH!!! 6:50 PM Sunday, December 21, 2008
Went to northpoint see jiali today! ran(yes i think i ran..cos i was excited to see her) up de toy n gift section there when i entered popular.. i took one toy car and wanted to ask her what's de price.. but sadly she was busy serving de other customer..no time to entertain me.. decided not to disturb her.. Then i took 969 to my grandma house.. When i was inside the bus, i saw jiali walking towards a kopitiam.. i wanted her to notice me so i waved (like mad person in bus) at her.. she saw me!! it was a distant away from her leh! Oh man..i m jealous..u have such perfect eyesight man! owl eye! i will dig up ur eyes one day..lols..jk that's all.. bye=) 3:26 AM Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Here to post some pics that my boss drew ytd.. i supposed he was sad n angry that tme.. Then he criticised me for having bad handwriting..(heartbrk) so i actually went home to practise writing my ABC & 123 again..lols jk artisitc huh..he expresed himself by his drawing ![]() and i asked him to draw hongna..so he drew this.. ![]() random post..bye=) 7:34 AM Monday, December 15, 2008
Neglected my blog becus there is nth interesting to post nowadays.. everybody's working.. & its has been 987654321 days since i see yesm.. its has been 87654321 days since i see jiali it has been 7654321 days since i see yiling n i everyday see hongna..sian alrd..lol jk. jiali n yesm just found a job.. yiling just quit her job after 1 day..pro! hn n i are quite contented w our job but of cus we are hoping for incentives..lol.. de day b4 ytd i dreamt of us getting O level results.. ade= 9pts yesm= 8 pts jiali= 7 pts hn n yl de cnt rmb.. incredible huh.. if tts realli de results on that day i will kiss the floor man.. lol short post k shall end here.. bye=) 4E1! I WANT SAKURA WITH U PPEEPPS!! =) 7:40 PM Monday, December 1, 2008
Thanks Qinghui for job recommendation at Huttons=) we had our job interview ytd.. when boss asked if we had any job experience we said yes.. at propnex real estate agency for 2 weeks.. boss: den y come Huttons? because qinghui recommended us.. boss: traitor sia..from propnex jump to Huttons.. lols.. mayb nxt tme we will switch to ERA if the pay there is higher.. den when we are filling up the application form.. there were several sections we dont know how to put it so boss said: aiya anyhow write can le la..i know wad u are writing can liao.. so ytd we started working.. n HONGNA GOT 2 PEOPLE FOR SHOWFLAT.. n she got commision so damn easily! this boss is definitely more friendly den de one at propnex.. mayb bcus there is generation gap between us and de boss at prop.. that's all for de moment.. pics taken previously=) 8:50 PM |
Profile ![]() ADELINE 07 JUNE 1992 CHILD OF GOD LOVES HER: FAMILY THE FOUR GIRLS & FRIENDS SONGS RUnaway The Zone Charmaine Christine clarice David Derek Ernest Gets Hongna janice jasper jiali Joelle joel Meiqi Mindy Peiling penny QingHui Renata Sihao Shihui Terence Thamhin Tinghui Tingmin Xuanyi yesmeen yiling Yingshan YingRu YongQi Zijing Past June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 |